Toronto police seeking $46.2M budget increase

The Toronto Police Service is asking for a 3.9 per cent budget increase for 2025, which amounts to a $4.6 million rise over last year’s budget. 

That puts the board’s net operating budget at just over $1.2 billion.

As part of the budget request documents set to go before the police board next week, police Chief Myron Demkiw wrote that the increase would allow a multi-year hiring plan to continue.

“This budget allows the Service to continue its commitment towards police reform, modernization, and organizational wellbeing, while working towards achieving a community safety and wellbeing vision,” Demkiw wrote. 

“This budget was achievable through several cost containment, cost recovery, and bridging mechanisms.”

If approved by the police board, the budget will then be presented at Toronto City Council for consideration as part of the city’s budget process for 2025, which is expected early in the new year.
