For most of us, retrieving our daily mail is done with ease, but for Keith Jung, who lives in a Mississauga subdivision, it’s a daily challenge.
“I am disabled and rely on a walker,” he told us. “My balance is very bad so simple things for most people are very difficult for me.”
Jung’s mail is delivered to his designated slot in a community mailbox. His slot is near the bottom.
“It’s nearly impossible for me to get my mail, and when I try, I have to kneel down which is very difficult for me.”
Jung says he has fallen in the past trying to get his mail, which he says led to a head injury. Months ago, he says he found out about Canada Post’s Delivery Accommodation program, which allows people with disabilities to request a change in their mail delivery.
“I filled out the paperwork and sent in all the supporting documents they requested,” he said. “What I have asked them to do is either move the slot higher so it’s easier to reach, or at the very least equip my current slot with a pull-out tray so I can access my mail.”
He says those requests were not approved and instead he was offered mail delivery to his home, but only once per week, not daily.
“I’m retired and receive checks and other notices, so once a week is a problem and it’s not fair.”
We shared Jung’s story with Anthony Frisina from the Ontario Disability Coalition.
“Canada Post’s response is 100 per cent not okay,” he said. “This man deserves mail equitably each and every day, like everybody else. People like him rely on checks and deserve the same service everyone else does.”
Frisina says he worries there are other people like Jung who either don’t know about Canada Post’s delivery accommodation program or are having trouble getting acceptable service. He will be bringing the issue to the attention of other members of the coalition.
“We want to prioritize this issue and nip it in the bud right now so these things don’t happen. We should not be singling out people with limited service simply because they are disabled.”
Speakers Corner reached out to Canada Post. A spokesperson said they could not comment on Jung’s case, citing privacy issues.
“We can say that our local teams have explored possible accommodations with the customer and we continue our efforts on finding a solution,” the spokesperson told us.
Jung is hopeful that a solution soon allows him easier access to his mail but he says it shouldn’t be this difficult.
“My point of speaking out is, it’s not only me suffering. This could be affecting anyone who has a disability across Canada.”
If you have an issue, story or question you’d like us to look into contact us here.