Will eclipse freak out Toronto Zoo animals? Here’s how you can help science learn

We know what’s coming. They don’t.

The Toronto Zoo is giving away eclipse glasses on Monday, but is most eager to have customers observe not the sky but the resident animals. The facility wants Monday’s visitors to aid in science by documenting how the creatures there respond to the rare event.


A gorilla family is observed by people visiting the Fort Worth Zoo in Fort Worth, Texas, Friday, Feb. 23, 2024. Researchers will be standing by to observe how animals’ routines at the zoo are disrupted when skies dim on April 8. They previously detected other strange animal behaviors in 2017 at a South Carolina zoo that was in the path of total darkness. 


People look at a display of giraffes and other animals at the Fort Worth Zoo in Fort Worth, Texas, Friday, Feb. 23, 2024.
